Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Clearway CBD Online Magazine is committed to combatting modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. We recognize our responsibility to uphold ethical practices within our organization and supply chains. This Modern Slavery Statement outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery and our actions to ensure transparency and accountability.

Our Organization:

Clearway CBD Online Magazine operates as an online platform dedicated to providing information, education, and resources related to CBD, wellness, and natural remedies. While our core business activities primarily involve content creation and digital operations, we recognize that modern slavery can exist within indirect aspects of our operations, such as the sourcing of goods and services.

Our Policies:

  1. Ethical Employment Practices: We are committed to maintaining fair and ethical employment practices within our organization. We ensure compliance with all applicable labor laws, including fair wages, working hours, and employee rights.
  2. Supplier Code of Conduct: We expect our suppliers and partners to uphold the same principles and values in relation to modern slavery. We have implemented a Supplier Code of Conduct that sets out our expectations for ethical conduct, fair labor practices, and human rights protection.

Supply Chain Due Diligence:

We acknowledge that our supply chains may involve various vendors, service providers, and partners. While our direct engagement with physical goods is limited, we recognize the importance of due diligence to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery within our supply chains. Our actions include:

  1. Supplier Evaluation: We assess our suppliers and partners to ensure they align with our commitment to combatting modern slavery. This includes reviewing their policies, practices, and compliance with relevant legislation.
  2. Supplier Audits: We may conduct audits or request independent audits of our suppliers to verify their compliance with ethical practices, including their efforts to prevent modern slavery.
  3. Contracts and Agreements: We include clauses in our contracts and agreements with suppliers and partners that explicitly require adherence to anti-slavery and human trafficking regulations.
  4. Training and Awareness: We provide training to our employees involved in procurement and supplier management to enhance their awareness of modern slavery risks and their responsibilities in preventing such practices.

Reporting and Compliance:

Clearway CBD Online Magazine maintains transparency and accountability regarding our efforts to combat modern slavery. We will:

  1. Reporting Mechanisms: Encourage our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any concerns related to modern slavery. We will investigate and address such reports promptly and take appropriate action.
  2. Compliance Monitoring: Regularly review and update our policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable legislation and industry standards.
  3. Communication and Awareness: Regularly communicate our Modern Slavery Statement internally and externally to raise awareness and demonstrate our commitment to combating modern slavery.
  4. Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor and evaluate our practices to identify areas for improvement in preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.


Clearway CBD Online Magazine remains committed to the eradication of modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to assess and enhance our practices, collaborate with our suppliers and partners, and raise awareness to ensure a responsible and ethical approach to business operations. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a world free from modern slavery and uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals.

This Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed and updated periodically to reflect our ongoing commitment and progress in addressing modern slavery risks.

Date: 24-7-2023